Sunday, April 26, 2015

Sock animals

I just found some cute tutorials and patterns for sock animals.  Here's the monkey if you're interested in looking at it!  Easy for even those who don't sew, just as long as you can hand string it together.


Our house flooded, or precisely my bathroom and bedroom. The shower is hooked up to the sewage system to the house above and to just that bathroom. We're at ground level. The affluent pipe got blocked by calcification and everything came up through our shower and onto the floor in the bathroom and then into my bedroom. Thank heavens we found it shortly after it started. This is the second time we've had this major disaster.
The first time this happened it was feces filled. This time drain-o filled. Smelled like a swimming pool (instead of an out-house). I was exceptionally lucky that I got most of the things out from under my bed, and especially my two small suit cases with my fabric in it before they got wet. Divine intervention right there!
We had some emergency man come and unblock the pipe. And we got into bed really late. And to top it off Isabel vomited all night long and I slept very little.
Despite all of that, I feel pretty good today. I feel grateful to be alive, and to be me!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

La Poesia di Pasqua

Aaron sta mattina ha scritto la sua prima poesia!  Eccola qua:

Specchio, specchio delle mie brame
Fa che le femmine diventano lumache
Fa che i maschi diventano dei ghepardi veloci

Oh venti e temporali, diventate ossa per i cani
Oh spade, oh scudi fate compagnia da me
che vi trasformerò in allegria

Oh Pasqua, oh uova di pasqua venite da me
che vi darò un po di cioccolata calda
e che vi porterò in Giappone sul mio Jet

Oh hot dog che vi trasformerò in elefanti parlanti
Oh principesse maledette, oh fate oh streghe
vi trasformerò in arance rosse!

Quest'armonia diventa un'allegria

-Aaron James Palmieri

Translation of Aaron's first poem:

Mirror, mirror on the wall
May the females become snails
May the males become fast cheetahs

Oh winds and storms, become bones for dogs
Oh swords, oh shields keep me company
and I'll transform you into joy

Oh Easter, oh Easter eggs come with me
and I'll give you a hot chocolate
and I'll take you to Japan on my jet

Oh hot dogs may I turn you into talking elefants
Oh cursed princesses, oh fairies and witches
I'll turn you into red oranges!

May this harmony become joy