Well, we just moved back to Utah. That is why it has been so long since we've posted on our blog. If anyone wants to call and talk to us, our number is 801-652-5312. It has been a hard transition but we've been very blessed. It's so good to be close to family! Aaron's new accomplishments is that he is now 5 months, he can sit up well by him, and he LOVES being with his cousins. Paolo and I are both working. Aaron gets babysat by my sister-in-law. Aaron loves playing with his cousins.
Ci siamo trasferiti nello Utah. E' stato un cambiamento piutosto grande, ma le cose vanno bene. Il bimbo ha compiuto 5 mesi e adesso riesce a stare seduto da solo per i tempi lunghi. Il bimbo sta benissimo quando sta in mezzo ai cugini.

These are my grandparents. They were so happy to get to know their Italian grandson. He's actually Italian-Irish if you ask my grandma.
Questi sono i nonni di Julie. Erano felici di conoscere il loro nipote italiano.

This is Halloween. He was actuallly dressed as a bumblebee, but the devil horns were cute.

Aaron loves his bath time. His favorite thing to do is suck on the wash clothe. He tries every time to put his face in the water with his mouth open, but I won't let him.

This is Aaron's cousin, Park. They look a lot alike.

This is my mom with all the grandkids. We love it when grandma comes to visit.