Sunday, August 24, 2008

Little monkey

We borrowed this monkey outfit from my friend Marian. She used it last Halloween for one of her little boys. We put it on Aaron at her house and he kept looking at himself in the mirror. So she let us take it home to use for a little while. I realize that it's too early for Halloween, but he was so cute, I couldn't wait to put it on him again!

Aaron loves to eat by himself, even though most of the food doesn't make it to his mouth, and the spoon is more a toy than anything else. The other day he was eating some applesauce and started picking up the spoon with his mouth and eating with his hands. I thought it was funny, so here's a little clip.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

boys are fun

Boys are so much fun. Aaron loves to bang things and make noise. Lately he loves wrestling, especially with his dad. He loves to get on the bed and be knocked down a bunch of times. He loves to do it on the couch too. He's also really gotten into balls. He loves throwing them around and then chasing after them. It's an added bonus so that I can some things done around the house. :) In the picture above you can see that Aaron likes to sit on dad's shoulders and then get thrown off onto the bed.
There's nothing greater than Aaron's smile and laugh. I love my little boy to death!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

First Haircut

Questo e` il primo taglio di capelli per Aaron. I capelli diventavano lunghi didietro, e quindi gliel'ho tagliati io. Stava abbastanza buono, solo perche gli ho dato un dolce da mangiare.
Siamo andati alla miniera aperta piu grande del mondo che sono 30 minuti da casa nostra. Siccome e` molto in alto, tira tanto vento (che si vede dalle foto).
Questa e` una gomma che usano sulle macchine piu grandi che hanno.
Scolapasta ciccio. Gli piace girare nella casa con le cose di cucina. Questa volta si e` messo un testa la scolapasta.