This week at Italian pre-school we celebrated "Carnevale" which is the Italian version of our Halloween. Aaron had a lot of fun!
Aaron had some great faces that were funny.
Aaron's super powers: he can yell louder than any child or adult that I know (hmmm, maybe he'll be an opera singer one day); he can go from happy to full body temper tantrum in less than 0.2 seconds (hmmm, sounds like he's close to 3); he LOVES his baby brother and often tries to smother (literally) him with love. Poor Jordan is constantly being rescues from the clutches of Aaron; when he wants to, he can really pour on the charm; he can memorize anything as long as you read it to him in a book every day for a week.
This is Jordan as we were playing "magia" (magic in Italian) where the boys sit on my bed and we throw this exceptionally ugly blanket over them. Then I stick my head under and Aaron starts to laugh like crazy. Jordan was laughing too because Aaron was laughing. I couldn't get Aaron to hold still long enough to get picture of him under the blanket too.