I don't take enough pictures, or post very often. JOrdan is turning into quite the little boy. He eats like a pig and is still underweight. The boys keep me more than busy. Recently my m0m and step-dad came into town to visit. It was fun hanging out with grandma and grandpa Copple. We went to This is the Place State Park. The boys had a blast!

Aaron has said for the last 50 times straight: "Aaron on the train!" I think that was his highlight for the trip.

Cousins. I love my nieces and nephews and am happy when I get to see them.

The other highlight: petting the lambs and goats.

Or maybe it was the horseride.

A rare smile for the camera.
Just as a comment on the 4th of July. I'm not very eloquent but I do want to express my profound gratitude for the freedom I enjoy. I am so grateful for the many men and women throughout the history of this land that have sacrificed for political, religious, ethical, and all basic freedoms. Having lived abroad for a few years I am so grateful to have as much as I do. I do believe that we should be a nation under God. I feel like some of my core values are sometimes attacked and ridiculed. But I believe that as we love our Savior and our fellowmen, and protect the family that this nation will continue to be blessed.