Today is Jordan's 2nd Birthday. My how time flies. I love this little guy to death. I'm so glad that he's part of our family. Things that I love about Jordan: his smile, how he says "si", that he can speak both English and Italian, when you get him out of bed in the morning and his little voice is so excited to say your name when you come in the room, he loves to jump a lot, when he walks he swings his arms, I love how much he and Aaron love each other and wrestle and hug a lot.

This is a random picture of Aaron that makes me laugh. I shouldn't even post it, but the scene was so funny. One evening he comes into the kitchen and rips my kids magazine off the counter and then marched into the bathroom and slammed the door. I peeked in to see what he was doing, and this is what I discovered. It's a learned behavior from Dad.