I can say for sure that Jordan is a HUGE blessing in our family. I'm so grateful that God gave me this little one! He's such a courageous, sensitive soul and has so many talents. I also firmly believe that God has a plan for each of us, knows us, and watches over us. This kid has such good potential. I hope to help him blow on that potential and to be able to do some good in life. I love you Jordan with all my heart! You're one of my greatest treasures.
I made a cape for a friend who is doing his birthday party with us. From the extra fabric all laid out I was able to make a second smaller cape. When I showed it to Jordan he thought it looked like Batman's cape and asked if he could have it. So I sewed on some ears and he got it for his birthday this morning.
Last weekend there was a car show driving through Bologna and it stopped in front of the baseball field by our house. With a stroke of luck, the baseball association decided to make the game that night free. So we enjoyed some cherries, a ball game, and some cool old cars that are driving through a good part of Italy!

I've recently taken a costume making class on craftsy.com called The Costume Box. It is the absolutely funnest, best class I've ever taken!!! It's perfect for anyone. You don't have to be a sewer (although to make the capes, you'll have to sew), you don't have to even consider yourself very craftsy (this would be me) in order to learn how to make costumes for kids. I've had fun making princess tiaras, and capes, and crowns. I can't wait to make more things for my kids. I also think the price is totally reasonable too. I think it's around $15.