This a shirt Maureen got for Aaron when she went to Ireland.

Aaron has started smiling and "talking" to us in the last couple of days. He especially loves his daddy. He loves to hear Paolo talk to him, and he smiles and coos back. He's also turning into a chunk. About 10 days ago he weighed 4.8 kg (10.5 lbs) at the pediatrician's office. I weighed him 2 days ago and he was 5.2 kg (11.5 lbs). Yikes, he's growing fast.
CUTIE!! He is so adorable. I just love him! Melia weighed 13.5 at her 4 month check up. She is long but no chunk yet! Way to go Aaron!
We are very excited to have you come home in October! Yay! Aaron is looking very handsome. He looks more and more like a Minson(really Wilson) baby all the time.
Oh, yeah...Naven R. Johnson is a character from an old Steve Martin movie called "The Jerk" that Scott loves.
In the movie he didn't invent ear-hair clippers, but he did invent these really stupid glasses.
Your baby is sooo cute!! He looks just like you! You deserve it too, after carrying him for 9 months! Are you coming in October? Yeah! Is your whole family coming with you? Can we treat you to dinner while you are here?
You look beautiful!
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