This at the wedding of our friends, Claudia and Giuseppe. The outfit was from when Aaron was blessed, but it actually fits him now. Aaron rolled over for the first time last week. He rolled from his tummy to his back 3 times in a row and hasn't done it since. He sits up by himself when propped against the couch. Today he took his first fall from the couch onto our marble floor. I felt like a bad mommy afterwards. It was bound to happen, but I still felt bad.

These are my friends, Germana (left) and Andrea (right). I stayed with them when I went on vacation in 2005 and met my husband Paolo. I'm really going to miss them when we leave.

Aaron is going to miss his uncle Daniele. For those who we haven't told yet, we're moving back to Salt Lake City from Italy. I'm leaving October 11th and Paolo is coming a month later. We're staying with my sister, Maureen, until we can find a place of our own. It's a lot harder than I thought leaving Italy, but I'm glad to go home and be near my family. It'll be nice for Aaron to be closer to his grandparents, and cousins.
It's always hard to move, no matter how hard it was living in a certain place. (For me it was VA) But we are all excited to have you guys move here and we are excited to get to know Paolo and Aaron better. Love ya!
We're excited too that you're moving back. I can't believe how big Aaron is, and he's such a cute cute baby! I hope all goes well in the next few days as you get ready to leave--we're excited to see you and will keep you in our prayers!! See you soon!
Once Analiese fell off my mother-in-law's guest bed. About three to three and a half feet! I freaked. I feel for you. I love that orange/red top on you in the picture. You look great.
I am excited to have you in the States so I can come see you and Aaron. It must be so hard to leave though. I still have trouble being away from Hawaii and Italy for that matter and I only loved there 6 months. I loved it so much! Aaron is so cute!!
By the way...I love that cat in the picture!
The cat is Monocolo:-) I'll tell him he's photogenic:-)
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