I've been trying to let Aaron eat some on his own while I feed him. I've found that he eats more that way, and slowly he learns how to feed himself. Despite the fact that he eats a lot with his hands, he does use the spoon, kind of.

I love Aaron's new smile because he shows all 8 teeth.

Aaron has the curious habit of going and picking off the very few green tomatoes that I have on my plants and eating them. This is him trying to ingest it in one bite before I can stop him.

Aaron with my grandpa Wilson. I'd have put Grandma on here too, but the picture didn't turn out that great. Next time. I have to say that I love my grandparents and that I love going and seeing them.
Julie!! You guys are back here?? I don't know where I've been...we need to get together...Aaron is a doll!!!
I can't believe how cute and big Aaron is! He is so handsome. How are you guys doing?? We really want to see you while we're here! We're headed back to Greece this year and so Spence will leave at the end of August. So let's get together!!
brown noser
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