Aaron is 18 months, and I can see a big difference in him! He's just learned to say "no", and he says it all the time. No means no, it also means yes. It's also his favorite word when he doesn't know what else to say. Some of his favorite things now are: eating cereal, smiling at the camera and then looking at himself afterwards, ring-around-the rosies, his slide from grandma, old diaper boxes that he's turned into a mini slide, apples, taking his shoes and socks off in the car, and trying on our shoes.

It snowed really good two days ago (today too). So we pulled out our little sled and Aaron had a lot of fun being pulled around. Then we made a ramp with the snow and he had a lot of fun going down that until he fell in the snow and started crying.

Cheesy as ever!

Aaron's learned a few of his body parts, and one of the few that he gets right on a regular basis is pointing to where his head is. The only other thing he always gets right is pointing to where mom's baby is (in my stomach).

Trying on daddy's shoes. Thankfully his feet won't be that big for a while!
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