So about 2 weeks ago I had a less than proud parenting moment. I was hurredly getting ready (and running late) to go to a friend's house to watch her kids for the morning. Aaron pulled off the counter top the bag of stuff I was taking to make sugar cookies. I came back into the kitchen and found a pint of sour cream and 2 cups of sugar all over the floor. Instead of laughing and taking a picture, I got frustrated and put Aaron in time out. He then crawled all over the floor trying to eat the sugar. So I put him in his bed while he screamed his head off and I cleaned up the mess. Afterwards I really wished that I had handled it better, and promised myself that I wouldn't loose my patience the next time, but look for the funny part of what happened. Just such an occassion came this morning.
Just as an aside before you get too grossed out, the potty chair is new and unused. I'm going to start potty training Aaron this next week. So I bought it and sterilized it. I've been having him sit on it dressed this last week to get him used to it. So while I ran and got the camera, he started eating out of the potty chair. Totally disgusting, but at least it was unused.
Ha, ha, ha! Classic!
You look great!
hahahahahaha! What a stinker!! Oh man I'm not looking forward to Hannah doing things like that. I would get pretty frustrated too I think. :) Your belly is so cute! I'm sure you don't feel that way at all but you look great.
Sweet! Well, at least it was a clean toilet! I've caught Park drinking out of the big toilet a number of times!
Hilarious!! I love your blog, Aaron is so cute!! And you are such a cute prego lady!! Hope all is ya!
That is so cute and so funny! You are such a great mom Julie and you look GREAT!!! By the way that's the potty I used to potty train Jonas and I loved it!
This is so much least for me reading this...but I am sure I will soon have other stories for this mommy challenge. I too know you're not feeling like it but you are gorgeous. Give a kiss to Mr Aaron from me. Great pics!
Good luck potty training. My friend's theory is you can start at 2 and be done at 3 or you can start at 3 and be done at 3. With my girls, that has been the case, although a lot of that has been my doing. I'm not even going to attempt to start Isaac for another year or so, unless he does what Charlotte did... she potty trained herself. On the other hand, I have friends who swear their 18 month old was potty-trained. So it can be done! Enjoy! ;)
Oh man I have those moments all the time where I wish I had handled an incident better. I am getting better at just realizing Melia is just a little 2 year old and laughing about it usually makes me feel better. Aaron, you are hilarious! You and Melia would get into so much trouble together!!
By the looks so great pregnant!
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