Aaron is happy to announce the birth of his little brother, Jordan. He was born May 23rd at 10:09 am, and weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces (3.385 kg) and was 20 inches (51 cm) long.

His full name is
Jordan Paul Palmieri

Welcome into the world Jordan! We love having you in our family. It only took about 8 1/2 hours of labor, and a half an hour of pushing to get you here. Aaron's a little unsure about having less attention, and mom and dad are really tired, but it's nice to be home and be a family.
Congratulations, Julie and Paolo! Jordan is a beautiful baby! I'm glad that he arrived safely and that everyone is doing well. Fun to see cute Aaron as a big brother--he'll get used to the role soon enough. Julie all the best in your recovery and mothering 2!! Much love, Linsey
Congratulations to you all... Jordan is beautiful. Love you.
Congrats!!! We are so happy for you!! Jordan is precious and Aaron will be your little helper!
He is ADORABLE! We can't wait to come see him!
Whoohoo! Congrats! Little Jordan is beautiful! Good job!
He is so beautiful!!! I'm so happy for you guys....Lisa
He is so precious! Congratulations! I can't believe you have two little boys!
Congrats! What a perfect and handsome little boy! You sure have two cute kids!!!
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