I was taking pictures of Jordan, and I turned around to find Aaron like this. I was about to yell "pull your pants up mister" and then decided to capture the candid moment. Now that Aaron is better about being potty trained, I leave him in underwear all the time. The only problem is that he sometimes does this to let you know that he needs to go potty.

Playing in the leaves.

I tried to put Jordan in the leaves to get a cute picture, but all he did was cry.

We put the kids in the same bath (on a day that Aaron was less dirty than normal).

I finally have a fairly decent picture of Aaron smiling, even if he does have food in his mouth.

This was a weird looking potatoe that I was about to peel the other day. I decided to take a picture of it. What do think it looks like?

Of course it was Paolol's idea to put Jordan in Aaron's truck.

And he loved it! Especially for the ride his dad gave him afterwards.
The potato looks like a feminine fish face to me.
your boys are jsut too cute for words!
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