I'm not sure why Aaron has discovered that shoving things up his nose is fun. This piece of cereal was WAY up there too. Fortunately for Aaron his mom is an ER nurse and knows a trick or two.
So here is a tutorial if anyone has a child that sticks something up his/her nose: Lay your child on the bed. Close the nostril that isn't plugged with fun treats. Go in as if you were going to give your child a kiss. Then put your mouth over there's and form a good seal (as if you were to give a breathe doing CPR). Blow hard. Don't worry, you won't hurt them. Sometimes you have to blow more than once, but it's not guaranteed that they will hold still for more than one blow. The object (and sometimes a face full of snot) will then come out, probably onto your face!
Hope none of you have to do this!
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