Aaron loves to try to put on Dad's garden boots (that he can't even fit into). In the background is the new car that I got. We traded mine in. We got a Volkswagon Passatt station wagon 2005. I LOVE it!!!
Aaron also just turned 3. Happy Birthday Aaron. We didn't do anything for his birthday for. I just didn't feel like it.

On one of the few nice days we've had, we had a picnic and ate some really good cantelope.

The picnic just happened to be in the part of the yard fenced off for our new chickens.

So we'll probably never have any cats or dogs, but we gave in and got some chickens. We got 3 chickens from one of Paolo's co-workers. The next morning we woke up to the crowing of the rooster. Really annoying actually. So a few days later we took that one back. The next morning we woke up to crowing again. Big sigh. 2 out of 3 were roosters. So we actually purchased 4 chickens from a farm (with the guarantee that they are female). 3 of them lay the regular brown eggs, and the 4th lays blue eggs. They are still young so it will be a few months before they actually start to lay eggs. We have a total of 5 chickens.