Aaron is my serious boy. He does smile a lot, but rarely for the camera.

Paolo has been showing Aaron how to play baseball. We put the ball on the bucket and Aaron hits it and runs towards first base. He's actually quited good for barely 3 years old.

We had friends visit from Italy for a day, and they brought us the Italian flag. Aaron LOVED that flag. He even had to take it to bed with him. He wouldn't give it up. Needless to say that he didn't get a nap that day.

Evviva Italia!

This is a sweet deal: free truck. The neighbors were going to throw it away because a wheel is bent. We don't mind bent wheels. The boys have absolutely loved it.

These are some of my favorite faces that Jordan makes on a daily basis.

Another typical Jordan: with food in his mouth. This kids eats more than I do right now.

Jordan has long hair on top that some days looks like an awesome comb-over, and other days like a rooster. Jordan in my drama king, and frequently has this expression on his face when he is upset about something. Love him to death!

At Wheeler Farm.

Love the teeth.
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