So far Isabel is quite a pleasant baby. Doesn't cry much unless really hungry. Getting on schedule has been a little harder than I remember. I'm a big believer in eating, staying awake, and then sleeping in order to get your baby on schedule. She's been going 4-6 hours between feedings and it's been freaking me out. Jordan was on a 2 hour cycle and ate a ton. I think it freaks me out mostly because she's so small. But as a friend reminded me yesterday, I guess I won't worry about as long as she's wetting diapers and growing.
I have a friend, Kati, that is the awesomest quilter! She's got me going to a quilting group that I love. She is so creative, and inspires me. Well, I was the very LUCKY recipient of one of her blankets, and I LOVE it!!! Thank you Kati.
Bed time wind down...
Monday, August 22, 2011
Party of 3
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Stop and smell the roses
Soooo, Isabel didn't quite finish her feeding. It took a lot of wipes, lysol, and hand washing to clean up. But as I was doing so, I had the thought: Look on the bright side of things. So I decided that instead of feeling frustrated by the endlessly smeared poop, I would just be happy I had the opportunity to have a clean bathroom. And I have to say it looks really good now (until the next time one of the boys goes to the bathroom).
So today I'm grateful for a clean bathroom. I'm also grateful that I have two active, happy boys, grateful that going from 2 to 3 isn't quite as bad as the transition from 1 to 2. I'm also very grateful to my friend Sabrina who has had my boys over to play at her house the last few mornings so that I could get some rest!!!!
And I'm also grateful that Heavenly Father gave me one of his beautiful daughters to love, nourish, and teach. What a blessing!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Baby Bimba is here!
Friday night I went into labor. My contractions were 5 mins apart and lasting 2 mins each. I called my sister and had her come over about 1 a.m. I woke up Paolo and made him call in sick to work. We grabbed our bag and were on the way out the door when my contractions stopped. I waited about an hour and I started having them again, but not as often. After another they stopped again. Ugh! At least if you hurt that bad you get a baby out of it. So I woke up my sister for nothing.
Saturday about 7 p.m. my water broke. And yes- it really feels like you just wet your pants! So we called my sister again. I got the kids a bath and in bed early. My very nice neighbor came over while Maureen was coming, and we went to the hospital about 8:30 p.m. By then I was having really good contractions. 2 hours later our cute, small baby was born.
Best delivery I've ever had. 2 contractions worth of pushing and slid out by herself. I didn't tear or anything. Thank heavens for small babies! She was only 6 lbs 3 oz, and 18 inches long. Welcome to the family Isabel!
I think she looks a lot like Jordan.
Aaron and Jordan love their little sister. She was mawled with hugs and kisses. Poor thing.
Exhausted but happy to not be 9 months pregnant!
Welcome home.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Trouble Maker in Chief
This morning I was in the living room and heard what sounded like a shower, but coming from the kitchen. He had just finished pouring a whole liter of juice onto the table that was showering onto the chairs and floors. That took A LOT of paper towels!
He also loves to climb onto the sinks in the bathroom and wash his hands and feet for hours if you let him. What would I do without this kiddo?
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Mission Reunion
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