Friday night I went into labor. My contractions were 5 mins apart and lasting 2 mins each. I called my sister and had her come over about 1 a.m. I woke up Paolo and made him call in sick to work. We grabbed our bag and were on the way out the door when my contractions stopped. I waited about an hour and I started having them again, but not as often. After another they stopped again. Ugh! At least if you hurt that bad you get a baby out of it. So I woke up my sister for nothing.
Saturday about 7 p.m. my water broke. And yes- it really feels like you just wet your pants! So we called my sister again. I got the kids a bath and in bed early. My very nice neighbor came over while Maureen was coming, and we went to the hospital about 8:30 p.m. By then I was having really good contractions. 2 hours later our cute, small baby was born.
Best delivery I've ever had. 2 contractions worth of pushing and slid out by herself. I didn't tear or anything. Thank heavens for small babies! She was only 6 lbs 3 oz, and 18 inches long. Welcome to the family Isabel!
I think she looks a lot like Jordan.
Aaron and Jordan love their little sister. She was mawled with hugs and kisses. Poor thing.
Exhausted but happy to not be 9 months pregnant!
Welcome home.
She could not be any more adorable! Love love love that last picture! And you look fantastic, Julie! Felicidades!!
Congrats Julie! Sounds like a great delivery experience. She's beautiful and I LOVE her name.
Julie! So happy for you and your adorable family. You are an amazing mother --- totally laughing about the post regarding potty training, toilet paper unraveling, etc. Oh, the days of adventure! Congratulations!!
Julie - such a beautiful little girl! Congrats!! I love the name Isabel and always wanted to have a little girl to name that name - so I will just settle with you using that name. :) I hope all is going smoothly and you are settling in okay. We'll come visit in a few weeks after all has settled. (Does that ever happen???) Love ya!!!!
She is beautiful! I think she looks like Jordan too. We'll come and see you soon! Love you!
I thought the same thing, that she looks a lot like Jordan!! But you can tell she is totally a little sweet girl!! So happy for you and that the birth was so relatively smooth! Can't wait to meet her and see you, hope you're getting some sleep!
I'm so happy for you guys. It's just precious that the boys love her like that. What a sweet blessing. And she does look like Jordan! I also love the shaving pics. What a wonderful life you have. <3
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