So I've been up until 1-3 a.m. with Isabel and not been able to sew (makes too much noise for our tiny place). So I took to browsing my recipes. I found a weight watchers recipe that I modified. It's worth trying and making! I've modified it to fit my ingredients that are available. The recipe makes about 15 cookies, so if you end up eating the whole batch, you don't even need to feel bad about it. Here's the recipe.
- 1 plum grated (1/3 c. prunes pureéd)
- 1 apple grated (1/3 c. applesauce)
- 1/3 cup chestnut puree (i recommend grating another apple or a pear)
- 2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa
- 2 tbsp. sugar
- 2 tbsp. water
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1/4 c. dark chocolate chips (or semi-sweet)
- 1/2 c. flour
- 1 tsp. baking powder
Grate your fruit. I recommend fresh fruit grated but you can substitute. In a microwave container heat the sugar/cocoa/water/vanilla until sugar is melted. Then throw that in the microwave. Heat in 10 second intervals until choc. chips are melted. Mix chocolate goodness into the grated fruit. Then add flour and baking powder. Cook approx. 10 mins at 350 degrees. Makes about 15 cookies. It's very dark chocolate tasting. I'm not a huge fan of dark chocolate but really like these. If you need good stress eating food I recommend these. You won't even feel guilty about it!

So we live on a little private street. Here's the gate going into where we live. We live at the end on the right hand side.

Here's the little vineyard of our neighbors as you walk down our street.

Here's the entrance to the house/apartment where we're living now.

When my kids saw this car they said "it's uncle topolino!" (from the movie Cars 2). They wanted their picture taken with him. Disney has definitely got my boys hooked on Cars.

As I was talking to a very dear friend (thank you Karla for knowing that I needed a phone call) my kids were watching TV just before bed. They were (for the first time today) so cute. The boys were caressing Isabel and being so sweet!

I'm grateful for those rare, sweet moments when the best shines through!
Are you living in Bologna? Is it near where you lived before? I'm trying to picture where you are and failing. A big part of me wants to go back, just to go to the ward and see everyone. Good Luck with everything!!!
Everything looks so beautiful and sunny (from what I could see! :) ) Eating cookies to cope is my thing too... and i LOVE dark chocolate, so this is right up my alley.
Roberto ha visto le foto e ha detto : " A me mi mancano tanto".Mancate anche a me.
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