Italiano: Dopo chiesa cercavo devo sono finiti i miei bambini. Avevo Isabel in braccio. Apro la porta del nido e trovo Aaron con alcuni bambini piu grandi di cerca 8 anni. Appena che Aaron mi vede urla ai suoi compagni "ecco, questa e` il mio amore!" (riferendosi ad Isabel). Poi cerca di toglierla dal mio braccio per abbracciarla e baciarla. Che tenerezza che mi fa.
English translation: After church I went searching for my boys to see where they had run off to. I was holding Isabel while looking for them. I opened the door to the nursery and found Aaron playing with a few older boys (about 8 years old). As soon as he saw me and Isabel he yelled to his friends "hey look! It's my sweetheart!" (referring to Isabel). He then ran over to us and tried to grab Isabel from me to give her a huge hug and a kiss. What a sweet kid he is sometimes!
Isabel is 3 1/2 months and getting so big! This last week she got fat and I'm loving it. She's got rolls on her legs, and cleaning her with a diaper change is a little more complicated than before. She is still full of smiles, and she'll smile at anyone. Once in a while I have nostalgic moments when I wish she could gift those smiles on those I love because they really are the greatest gift I have everyday. I wish she would smile and coo at Karla, Reah, and Cyndi during R.S. I wish she could smile at little Tate when he walks past our house to pick up Page at the bus stop. I wish she could smile at the fun girls across the street- Leah and Eden. I wish she could smile and light up the room for my grandparents, my mom, my sisters.
A very nice sister from our ward went to the temple in Switzerland. There's a tiny store by the temple that sells church articles. She bought this puzzle for my boys knowing how much they LOVE to do puzzles. As I'm typing Aaron squeeled "oooooh. it's my puzzle!"

Aaron is growing up a little bit. His creativity is starting to sprout. He begged me for some spaghetti yesterday. So I gave him some dry noodles. And this is what he did with the half he didn't eat right away.
And a VERY RARE MOMENT of playing well by themselves on their bunk bed. I'll take whatever I can get.
We miss you, too! Love you!
That noodle "drawing" is awesome! What a creative boy!
Ciao Julie, leggo sempre il tuo blog ma non ho mai lasciato commenti. Hai fatto una scelta molto coraggiosa e di fede tornando a vivere in Italia. Stavo leggendo che ILSOLE24ore (una rivista economica italiana) ha redatto una classifica delle citta' in cui si vive meglio in Italia e Bologna e' al primo posto. E' una buona cosa almeno sapere che almeno vivi nella citta' migliore italiana.
Auguri per tutto. I tuoi bambini sono bellissimi.
Aaron is such a sweetheart. I still wish I had recorded Aaron saying "savannah savannah " when they were two or three.
wow Aaron che bravo!!
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