I will admit that having had a little girl has brought out some vanity that I didn't know was there. I absolutely LOVE dressing her in cute clothes. This top is one made by my good friend Kati, and it has an adorable skirt to match. But since Izzy is still mostly crawling and gets everything black as she crawls around, she's not wearing the matching skirt.
Daily life has been fun the last week or two. The morbid heat is finally breaking off. We got some much needed rain and it's warmed back up, but not to too hot. Daily things that just make me smile and make me glad to be me:
- Aaron and Jordan have turned a pan lid into a shield and they are constantly sword fighting, wrestling, fighting off bad guys, etc.
- Jordan still continues to be Spiderman Jordan and has taken to this swim suit because it makes him look like he's got big muscles.
- Aaron ate a new food this week: salad with lots of chicken and veggies in it. He even had second helpings.
- Aaron has started asking me questions! And I love every one of them. In his 5 years of life he has never before asked me a why question, and now he's starting to take off, and starting to talk. It's amazing to finally feel like some small communication is going on.
- The days are getting shorter and the feeling of peace and contentment that fall brings is lingering in the air. I personally don't love cold or winter but the transition period brings me a great sense of life is on track and where it's supposed to be.
- And finally, Isabel decided on Wednesday at the library to stand up and start walking, it's more of a toddling, about to fall and hit my head for the umpteenth time kind of walk, but it did my heart some good!
loved that post. hooray for isabelle and aaron. and oh yes, i understand the vanity, but seriously that top is too cute! (and so are all your kids).
Love seeing her in that shirt! Hope you have a great weekend.
Thank you! I love you! I cried the whole time I wrote that post! :) And it is wonderful to have a sister who understands. We are here to help each other along. And bolster each other up...even if we are thousands of miles apart. LOVE YOU!
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