Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween

 This will be one of my favorite pictures ever.  As I was pulling out our halloween costumes, Jordan picked up the nylons for my witch outfit and after putting them on, announced that he was a tiger.  Very, very close resemblance. :-)

Halloween here isn't really celebrated here yet.  But I've talked to my nice neighbors and we were able to trick-or-treat to them.  It was also pouring rain.  We literally went to only two of our neighbors that live in the same structure as we do.  We had supplied them with bags of candy that Karla and Brad had brought with them, and even though we only visited two houses, they made off like thieves!

 Jordan was having a really bad night and after about the 10th time out almost didn't come trick-or-treating with us.  He also decided not to wear his spiderman outfit that night.  He's worn it almost non-stop since getting though.
 Isabel was the cutest ladybug I've ever seen.
And these are our wonderful neighbors, Anna and Sergio, that we've adopted as surrogate grandparents.  Love them to death!

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