Paolo pulling Isabel on the sled |
It snowed on Monday and we got about 6 inches. We're a lot like New England here- everything freezes, traffic is impossible, and it feels like life comes to a stop when it snows. Gratefully I'm not really on the east coast because I saw some pictures of wicked amounts of snow!
Aaron making a snowman |
at school, celebrating Carnevale |
Carnevale is the big holiday where kids get to dress up in fun costumes and it's in February. Aaron and Jordan got to go to school in costumes! They were adorable, but they were much less adorable when it came to getting ready for school. The whole morning was filled with screaming over how socks, pants, shirts, etc. didn't "feel right" and it was crooked, etc. By the time we were able to leave out the door to school I felt like exploding. Gratefully I didn't explode and by the time I walked home, I felt much better.
I did learn a lesson: put the costumes on
AFTER you get to school (or wherever it is that you're going)!
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