Thursday, December 5, 2013

A song for Heavenly Father

Today while Jordan was busy drawing, something that he does a lot of all day long.  I actually expect him to become some kind of artist for the amount of time that he likes to draw.  I asked him what he was doing.  Here's what he told me:

Sto disegnando una canzone per Padre Celeste.  Non ci sono parole.  Ci sono solo le immagini.  E` piu lungo del mondo.  Cosi` può sentire di più lo Spirito.

I'm drawing a song for Heavenly Father.  There aren't any words, just pictures.  (after a brief pause) It's longer than the whole world.  That way He can feel the Spirit better!

Out of the mouth of babes!  So here's his "song":
a super SUPER hero

a king's crown


a knight to fight off the bad guys

a web to catch the bad guys

a mother praying

Joseph Smith seeing a light

the world


star at Jesus' birth

the sun and moon so that there's always light and night

defeating the bad guys

il cavaliere, the knight

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