These two pictures are when Aaron was awake 2:30-5:30 a.m. the night after getting his vaccinations. He slept poorly for about 3 days, but I think (cross my fingers) that he's getting back to normal (4-5 hours at night). He makes some funny faces as seen above.

In the last week or two he's started to really like his toys. Once in a while he even manages to pull the toy, make the bird spin, and the music play (quite by accident I'm sure).

His new thing is that he plays with his hands. He rolls his hands over and over, kind of like Mr. Smithers in the Simpsons. Often he holds his arms up does the hand thing. I'm not sure if other babies do that or if he's just "special."

This is a blanket that one of my mission companions made and mailed to me. It is absolutely beautiful. Thankyou Briawna.
Cute faces Aaron! He is so adorable and I can't believe how big he is getting! I think he is bigger than Melia! haha Melia did the Mr. Smithers thing! That's so funny! He is precious, Julie.
Aaron is getting so big!! He looks just like you! And yes, he is special-- so is Isaac because he does the whole hand thing as well :)
No, you're kid isn't special...all of them do that at that age, it's if they don't that they are special. HA! I'm just kidding! He is getting HUGE and I mean HUGE (Don't pronounce the 'H'). Don't you just love those nights when they won't go back to sleep? You get to the point where you start half sleeping even if they are still awake...as long as they aren't crying. I can't believe you'll be here in about a month! My guess is he'll weigh more than Park by the time you get here. He's barely tipping the scales at 15.5 lbs. We are excited! LOVE YOU!
PS-Park's screams aren't really loud, otherwise I think they'd drive me CRAZY. It's more like a sqwak. It is pretty cute though.
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