Dad and Aaron hanging out in bed.

This is dinner at our friend's, Daniel and Luana. Luana is due in 2 months.

Paolo says that Aaron wakes up like an adult because once he's awake, he does a long series of stretching (as demonstrated above), he yawns a little bit, and then he looks around dazed for a minute, like I sometimes do in the morning when I wake up but my brain hasn't turned on yet. He doesn't do it all the time, but a lot of the time.
E un bello bambino. Siete fortunati. Imagino che si comporte molto bene anche. Pensate di questo. Diventa piu divertente con ogni giorno. Tanti auguri a voi. I wanted to see if I could still use the Italian language. It is a little rusty. Anyways keep posting, your little guy looks like a stud.
Hey I left a comment about these pics and it isn't showing up. Weird. Well I can't believe he is almost 3 months old! Don't you love watching them do adult things like the stretching? SO cute!
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