Aaron just hit 3 months. He's almost in his 6 month clothes, and we'll see how much he weighs next week when I take him to the pediatrician. He's such a happy baby I don't know how we got so lucky. His eyes are looking really blue, and I think they'll stay that color.

As we're getting ready to leave, we're trying to visit a lot of Paolo's relatives. This is one of his aunts (called Elvira).

This is another uncle, Luigi. He's the oldest of 12 kids. Paolo's dad was the youngest of all of them. His wife, Paola, is holding Aaron. There's one of there daughters, son-in-law, and Paolo.
Hey Julie - these are great photos for Aaron to be able to know his family by. I bet this is a hard period for Paolo. Cute baby by the way.
By the way - "Mathew" is actually Lisa as I signed in under Matt's account. Didn't want you to be confused.
No way! He is already in 6 month clothes?? It is so hard to shop for Melia b/c length wise she is in the 6 mos but weight she is still in 3! Anyway Aaron is just precious and looks just like his mommy! Are you getting sad to leave?
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