This last week Aaron has been progressing rapidly towards crawling. I'm not sure if I should be happy or cry. He looks like he's been doing push-ups, and yesterday in church he started getting his knees underneath him.

It won't be long now!

And when he gets tired up pushing up, he arches his back and flails his limbs. It actually looks more tiring than crawling. Oh well, to each his own.
He is totally almost crawling!! It all changes when they can get around! Melia has been walking now for well over a month so when she was almost 10 months she started and now she is just everywhere into everything! Aaron is almost 8 months, right? He is so precious!
Julie I just came across your blog and your family is darling and your little man is too precious for words! You look like the best mom ever! Miss you tons! Crystal
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