This is Aaron while I was working and he was with Paolo. Good to know what the kids do with dad while I'm away. :)

Aaron has this crazy thing where he loves to try and put our nose in his mouth. Definitely not the most sanitary past time. It used to be kind of cute until he got his two bottom teeth, and then it became an occupational hazard. We don't usually let him do it anymore because it may mean losing big chunks of skin from your nose, but this time it was too cute to resist.
Un cosa carina e` che Aaron cercava di ciucciare il nostro naso, ma e` diventato un pericolo da quando sono arrivati i due dentini di sotto. C'e` il rischio di perdere una grande quantita` di pelle. Normalmente non glielo facciamo fare, ma era troppo buffo questa volta.

Aaron loves his daddy! Aaron adora il suo papa`!

He's finally regularly on solids and loves to eat! (Just like his mom.) We started with vegetables and then have been adding some fruits too. He likes peas, carrots, peaches, apples, bananas and pears. The only thing he hasn't been crazy about is squash.
Abbiamo cominciato a dare le pappine. Fino ad ora , gli piacciono piselli, carote, pesche, mele, banane, e pere. L'unica cosa che gli piace poco e` la zucca. Gli piace mangiare (come la sua mamma).
Aaron is getting so big! Love the pictures (especially the one of Aaron being "babysat" by the storage tub--super cute).
Paolo Stinks
ciao sono carmen sono sbalordita Aaron e' diventato un ometto
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