This is the story of our life... dirty hands and eating dirt. Yes, Aaron eats dirt on a regular basis. No amount of time out's or otherwise deters him from eating clumps, dipping his fingers in dirt and licking them, or dipping his food in the closest dirt before eating it. Totally disgusting, but I don't get there in time to stop it most of the time.

Aaron's other favorite past time... run around naked. He's much better with his potty training. The only problem is he's fast as lightning and can run for it before you can get clothes back on him. In this picture he ran for it and then went to read a book.

I think Jordan looks a lot like Aaron in this picture. I can't believe he's 6 weeks old, and how big he's gotten.

As you can see by the double chin, he's a healthy eater.
Have you tried giving Aaron iron supplements? My brother ate A ton of dirts when he was a little boy. The doctor told my mom he was iron deficient so she started giving him iron and the dirt eat stopped...then again maybe Aaron just likes the taste. I ate weeds at a kid, just to experience the taste of them. :)
They are so cute! That is hilarious that Aaron eats dirt. Spencer loved eating dirt as a kid too, he says he loves the taste! hah what a weirdo. Jordan is so darling, gotta love those double chins! Hannah still has hers, I'll be sad when she loses her chunks. Good luck keeping up with Aaron. . . sounds like he's getting to be a handful these days!
Ha, ha, ha! I'm still chuckling at Aaron naked in the plastic tub reading his book. One of those moments he'll love that you captured for him. ;) At least if he had an accident, it'd be really easy to clean up in there.
Jordan is a cutie!
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