This is my latest bargain buy. I can't help buying something if I can get it for a steal. Paolo hates it when I say I stopped by a garage sale. He always groans and asks "what is it that you bought this time?" in an exasperated voice. "Something else we don't need?" I then try to justify why all of a sudden we desperately need whatever I got for a really good deal. This pirate outfit is the latest of my garage sale shopping. Price: $2.00 . Who couldn't resist? I've been avoiding garage sales lately, but this one was a mega garage sale in the parking lot of a grocery store where I went shopping about 2 weeks ago.
Aaron's new things are putting on all kinds of stray shoes, usually boots. His favorite are yellow rain boots. This time it was two different kinds of winter boots (both female). His other newest thing is he LOOOOOOOVES to strip down to nothing. He's learned how to take off his pants and underwear. He is faster than lightning. He strips and runs for it. He's usually streaking around our yard in the nude. I honestly dress him more than 10 times a day. Who knows what the neighbors think of us. And honestly, I don't care too much what they do say. I'm just worried about how long it takes him to do it in nursery. That'll be quite the story to tell his children.
Jordan had his two month check up yesterday. He went from 40th percentile to 78% in both weight and height. He's growing like a weed!!! 13 lbs 6 oz. We love this bundle of joy.
Cute pirate outfit! Definitely worth the $2!
Streaking must be a 2 year old thing. Anytime guests come over the first thing Melia does is get naked. I have no idea where she gets that from as Dan and I do not streak esp in front of guests! ha ha Your kids are so adorable and I can't believe Jordan is 2 mos already!
So funny! Ethan is wore this same pirate costume this year for halloween! It's so cute.
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