Halloween is just starting to get foot here. Apparently it's just the teenagers that go trick-or-treating around here. So we asked our 2 neighbors and family members that live next to us if we could come knock on their door. Apparently I did't explain trick-or-treating well to neighbors. At the first neighbor's house they gave the boys 2 handfuls of candy each, and the one after that a whole bag of candy each. I was a bit embarassed that I had asked my neighbors to buy a bag of candy for each of my kids. Anyway, they got more candy than they would of at home.

The next day after Halloween we had a halloween party in church that I was in charge of. I only expected 7-10 kids. We ended up having a good turn out! The boys were THRILLED to go dressed up as baseball players!

This is a picture of the kids that came. There were a lot of adults too that aren't in the picture.
1 comment:
probabilmente i bimbi hanno pensato che sono sempre stati fregati qui dove possono avere solo una caramella per ogni casa dove bussano. Ah ah !
Roberto si e' vestito da dracula e la prima cosa che mi ha detto e' che vorrebbe tanto che Jordan e Aaron potessero vederlo nel suo costume!
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