So I don't have my VISA yet which means that I get to go to the ER for any medical care I need, and since it's not urgent I'll probably have an 8 hour wait.
So we decided to go to Paolo's doctor to see if she'd give me a perscription. Time was running out for the office to close (because it's only open 9:00-11:30 a.m.) Trying to get out of the house the kids through tantrums, undressed and ran away multiple times, etc. I was going to walk 5 minutes to the office with the kids and Paolo was going to meet me there. As we are walking up the drive way Aaron announces that his tummy hurts and he needs to poop. within seconds he was vomiting multiple times. See photo above. :)
Blessing: Paolo went to his doctor, explained my situation, and she was nice enough to give him a perscription for me even though I wasn't physically there to show my cracked and bleeding and hard breasts. Thank you for someone nice and understanding! I think it was zithromax that she gave me, but I'm not sure.
Aaron is still vomiting and I'm just praying that it doesn't get passed to Isabel (since he loves to kiss and lick her, and I can't always stop it).

Sometimes something happens on a really bad that reminds you that you're not alone in the world- that there is a God and that He loves you very much. Today my little reminder was a package from my friend Kati. An unexpected package with material and patterns. You have no idea how this made my very bad day! I don't think that it's a coincidence that it happened on a very hard day.
I'm so glad it arrived on a day you needed it. I was starting to get worried that it wouldn't make it. I hope you have a better day tomorrow.
Julie, I love you! Know we are praying for all of you!
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