I can't believe that Isabel turned 6 months on the 13th! Time flies even faster with each kid that I have. She's taking solids now. It's making her a little constipated. So we've introduces some prunes and that's helped a lot.
She is sitting up for long periods all by herself. She grabs for things but isn't very coordinated and once in a while hits herself in the face. She is not rolling, and I'm not complaining about this. I really need to put her on her tummy more, but with her two tazmanian devil brothers, it's very difficult to do so.
This week she also started sleeping very little during the day and being very distracted when she breast feeds. This results in long days for mom, and both of us getting wet during every feeding because she keeps popping off. You want to tell her to quit being curious, but then again, you don't...
Isabel is a HAPPY baby and smiles at everyone. It makes me happy to have a pleasant child.
I LOVE that picture of Isabel in the white dress. So darling! What a sweetheart
So sweet!
She is so cute!
I see grandma's eyes too!
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