- drawing on my face
- drawing on the rest of my body- body art
- coloring the floor different colors. My mom was happy it washed away.
- being the tease of the family. I know how to make Aaron scream in a bad way. I'm getting there with my little 6 month old sister too.
- the cuddle bear of the family. I like to be cuddled. I also can't live without my special blanket to cuddle when I sleep.
- I'm going to be the ninja of the family, and fight off bad guys. I practice on Aaron. I can run and jump on him like no other.
- falling apart for no reason the way that all 2 year-olds do. I'm really good at screaming so loud and so long that the static turns on in my mom's head and she's checked out for quite a while.
I'm best at...
- cocking back my elbow before I take off running real fast, just like real super heros. Check out my moves while wrestling with my dad!
- making others laugh
- talking- A LOT. While my parents are driving in the car they sometimes wish I had never learned how to talk. I'm good at the whole time we're in the car yelling at the very top of my lungs (and boy I am loud) Mooooooom, Daaaaaaaaaaad... and once I have their attention I can say all kinds of things.
- bringing joy and happiness despite how busy I am.
- refusing to take naps and being pretty grumpy in the evening for it. I can fall apart and wail like no other for reasons such as... my cup is the wrong color, wrong spoon, you smiled at me- what's your problem?!, you gave me the wrong quantity. I wanted a little bit of milk, not a lot.
Super powers...
- Run fast. There's a reason why they call me flash. Again, check out my elbow before I run. I am totally awesome. My mom smiles every time I do it.
- I'm starting to learn to draw and loving it
- I can sit quietly and puruse books by myself for 5-10 minutes
- Be very sweet with my sister and feed her, give her toys, and even cover her face with my blanket when she's screeching really loud.
- When mom asks what happened, I am very knowledgable and can quickly and always tell her it was Aaron...
- I am good at helping my mom cook, especially with flour. I know how to throw and spread that stuff like nobody's business.
- Being a parrott. I repeat EVERYTHING I hear. I've got an awesome vocabulary and have been speaking in full sentences since I was 18 months old. I can do it in both English and Italian now!
1 comment:
He sounds so much like Luke. My mom was just here and showed us the movie Real Steel. My boys haven't stopped boxing since.
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