"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also..."
Lately we've gone on a lot of treasure hunts to help kill the ever lingering boredom around our house. Today was such one of these days. I was thinking while I was walking with these two munchkins and Isabel in the baby carrier of how much I love little things about them, and a few of those rare moments when you love what you have before you. Today there were a few of those rare moments.

Treasure #2: my boys give me every flower they find. I am bidden to either put it in my hair, or in my pocket; depending on the giver.
Treasure #3: we were sitting in the dip between big rolling hills while going to dig for dinosaur bones. Aaron looked at the only two clouds in the sky and we were enjoying the sunshine on a cold spring day. For the first time that I can recall Aaron gave a shape to the clouds. "Oh look mom! It's a crocodile!"

I said, a crocodile huh? He answered, "yes, it's at the water." We'll have the grammar lesson later on down the road. It was fun to see his little mind starting to open up to the world around him.
Treasure #4: my little ones! I especially love having a little girl around that sweetens up life a little. I love my boys too. I can't imagine my life without sticks, dirt, rocks, cars racing around my table and every other surface in my house.
Treasure #5: check out those fat rolls! Love 'em!

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