This is my friend Claudia, who should also be known as an angel. She took the long 9 hour drive each way with 3 small kids in tow to the Bern, Switzerland temple with me. She drove the whole way, she put up with my kids, didn't lose her cool once, even helped tend my kids so that I could to a wedding in the temple! If anyone deserves saint-hood it's this woman here. I was grateful for a fun road trip, and the good company.

Landscape pictures were taken from the car, so not very good, but it was the best I could do.

Road trips, so fun, but so long when you've got small ones with you!

This was me watching 6 kids ages 5,4,4,4,2.75, and 7 months! We even had fun. :)

Alice and Giorgio with me
Filippo being so sweet with Isabel
This is in front of the Bern, Switzerland temple.

This is my good friend, Elisa
The Acquaviva family (with Isabel). Love this family! They were sealed in the temple for eternity!
We made it home (dead tired) without any problems (relatively speaking). Grateful that we could make it safe and sound. Grateful to sleep in my own bed tonight too.
I love Claudia too!!!
what a great memory! You have to tell us more!
That is a sainted woman! Soon it won't be such a long trip to the temple! And the pics of the scenery are beautiful, even if they don't give you the full effect.
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