Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Swiss trip part II

Aaron got a hold of the camera on a couple of occassions, and when we got home from the temple trip to Switzerland. So here's the pictures that Aaron took: the trip through Aaron's eyes.

It's difficult to make out what this is, but if you look closely you can see Aaron's mouth (white in the lower right corner) . He opened his mouth wide open and took a picture
Naturally the nose is the next thing up from the mouth... :)
We drive a Pegeout.
It's a manual...

This is the street down to our house.

I love this picture of Paolo. Good job Aaron!


Laura said...

he's a photographer in the making!!!!

Sabrina Gironda Perkins said...

hai ragione dobbiamo proprio vederci, cosa fate domenica nel pomeriggio, noi abbiamo hiesa all'una prima di quello mi posso collegare