Friday, January 25, 2013

La fiera del gelato

 Last weekend we went to Rimini (which is a beach side city) to their annual convention of gelato (Italian ice cream) and bread.  One of Paolo's friends scored us free tickets.  I don't have a picture of the actual gelato because when we got a cup to share, it was like a pack wolves attacking their dinner.  It was a fight just to get a spoon in from Aaron and Jordan.
 There's a lot more to selling gelato than I thought.  You have to think about decorations in your store, what kind of cone, what kind of spoon to eat it with, machines to make it...  The boys' favorite part, right after more gelato than they've eaten in their whole life, were the standing decorations.

 Photo courtesy of Aaron.  This is our friend "Pelo" who got us the tickets.  I'm sure the convention was a lot less fun for him than it was for us.
 By the time we met our friend, the convention center was almost ready to close.  The boys were seriously punch drunk.  They were laughing like hyenas, the were falling on each other, on the chairs, onto the floor and laughing their heads off.  What fun to eat all the ice cream you've ever dreamed of!

This little one was a trooper.  She stayed in the car seat for the hour drive down, and had to stay in the stroller the 2 1/2 hours that we walked around.  We did give her little spoons of gelato which helped a lot.


Laura said...

I miss that wonderful stuff!! We've tried finding the real stuff here in the states and I never measures up to the real thing.

Sabrina Gironda Perkins said...

I am jelous I want some too

Brianna Smith said...

Oh my goodness... I miss real gelato!!!!