Aaron doesn't have many blow outs. I think that this is probably his 5th since he was born. When he explodes he really explodes

Aaron fell asleep with his toy in his hand and wouldn't let it go. It was really cute.

Crawling maniac.

We bought a new car. It's and '06 Toyota Corolla. We took the tint off the front windows and we really like it. Nothing like car payments!
I love Aaron's fuzzy head! So cute, he is getting WAY big. That blowout was nasty I must say, not looking forward to those. I'm still sick! Believe that one. I still have to take my prescription from America... blah! I'm over the whole pregnancy thing and just want the baby!
Anyway did you hear that we are a ward now? We combined with Ferrara. Lots of people there now, its kind of crazy. How is Paolo liking SLC?
My mom saw Aaron in the picture I hung out on the kitchen board and started giggling like a baby. She's in love with him. She says ciao to you and remembers you in all your kindness. Love you Julie!
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