I can't believe that my baby is 5 months old!!!! It's such a bitter sweet feeling. Glad she's growing. Kind of sad thinking that she's probably my last one and this is the last time around that I get to enjoy the fun discoveries that she makes daily. Yesterday she started staring at one of her hands like it was a fascinating toy. Pretty soon she'll figure out that she's in control of that very interesting object, and that it can do so many fun things. She's also sitting for about 10 seconds at a time by herself.

Say "cheese"!

Aaron loves cuddling Isabel. Jordan is like Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. He has moments where he is so sweet and cuddling, and the next moment where he's jealous and doing crazy things to her. I have to be careful with that loose cannon for a while.

I like this picture because it's so classic of my kids. Screaming, wiggling, crying, "look at my foot Mom!", and no chance of holding still for the camera (or in general). Love my munchkins!
mamma mia Isabel assomiglia tantissimo a Jordan e Jordan sembra assomigliare a Aaron, che belli che sono
They're growing so much! Can't believe you all have been gone that long for Isabel to be 5 months!
Julie, just a sample comment
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