Jordan has been a huge pill lately. Including as I urgently yell don't go there, he smiles at me while running directly to where I told him not to go. The result: more mud. Thank heavens my mom sent new shoes for Christmas and now we have a second pair of shoes for days when he dirties his shoes like this. The day after Christmas is a holiday here. So we took a train to city in the middle of the mountains on good faith that there was a little town we could walk around and then go home. We got off the train and found that there was no such little town. There was however a lot of snow, and the boys had fun making their own version of a snowman. My favorite comment from Paolo to explain geographically where we were: "If you spit, you'll hit the Tuscany". I went for a little exploratory walk with Isabel. I walked up a very steep street to find I was in the middle of the mountain. So the pictures with me is half-way up the hill, and then the view from on top. Despite not having a definite end, I still had a lot of fun, and so did the boys.
Well, you guys have had more snow than we have! Blasted climate change! ;)
Yes no snow here, so strange
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