Example 1: while trying to read the Book of Mormon to my kids the other morning Jordan screams "noooooooooo! I want to read about Nephi building the ship."
I answered "we are Jordan."
Hottily he says "no! I will do it!" He grabs the book from hand and starts using his finger to follow the words (like I do when I read to them to help them follow the words I'm reading) and reads: "Nephi was building a ship. Then he fell off it into the water. A whale ate him!"
"A whale at him, huh?"
"yes, a whale ate him. But then he was following the Lord...."
Example 2, while trying to brush my children's teeth. Jordan has to brush his teeth by himself. I'm not allowed to help him because he has to do it all by himself. I hand him his tooth brush and say "here you go Jordan."
He says falling apart and balling his eyes out "I'm not Jordan. I'm fireman Sam" (a new favorite cartoon).
Me: "ok, here you go Fireman Sam."
Crying even louder: "I'm not fireman Sam, I'm Jordan"
Me: "ok Jordan, will you please brush your teeth?"
Jordan crying even louder now, "i'm not Jordan, I'm fireman Sam. And I don't want a little toothpaste, I want a lot of toothpaste!"
To avoid more crying I put more toothpaste on his toothbrush and at this point he falls onto the floor in hysterics, "nooooooooo! I want more toothpaste. Hold me mommy!"
At this point I hardly feel like hearing screaming in my ear, but I hold him anyway. After a minute and yet more toothpaste we were able to brush his teeth without incidence.
Phew! Glad that's over with.
Love this story!
You're doing a great job, keep up the good work
Oh man! The terrible twos are the worst! When he is being a little stinker, you just have to look at that picture you posted of him in the Santa beard, because it is darling!
Two years old have to have a daily tantrum. But I still think they are better than the five years old who talks back at you!
hahaha!! That made me laugh. 2 and 3 are hard ages.... at least in our family. Especially 3. Hannah has turned into a different kid this past year! Yikes. That is fun that you are documenting it, someday you will love looking back and reading it. :)
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