Oops, forgot to turn this picture the right way before I uploaded it. You get the idea anyway. The pediatrician, after almost 3 1/2 months that Aaron can't poop by himself, decided that enema's were no longer enough, so she told me to start feeding him pears. This is his first time eating food (other than my milk). They're actually prunes because that's all I had. He LOVED eating fruit (granted he was really hungry). He ate from the spoon like he had always done it. I only gave him 3 spoonfuls because it was the first time.
Aaron is now 14.5 lbs and 25 inches long (at 3 and a half months). His 6 months clothes fit well, and some almost tight, and his 9 month sock don't fit anymore either. He has enormous feet. He gets that from the Palmieri side.

I went to visit friends in Prato, the Furia family. This is there youngest daughter, Letizia, who loves Aaron. While he was taking his afternoon nap, Letizia went into the room every two minutes to make sure that he was ok. Good thing that Aaron is a good sleeper!

This is one morning after Aaron woke up, starving as usual.

So the other night we got home really late from visiting friends, and had to get up early the next morning to go to church. That night he woke up twice, and barfed all over me one of those times. I don't believe in letting your children sleep in your bed with you, but to keep him quiet I made an exception. This is him in the morning (slept right through my alarm).

Aaron's new thing is sucking on anything and everything possible. His favorite items are his four fingers. When I took him to the pediatrician this week she told me not to let him suck his fingers, but to give him the binky. She said that I can always take away his binky, but not his fingers. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I don't mind him sucking his fingers. If anyone reading this has an opinion, I'm willing to hear it. Just don't be offended if I don't take your advice.