Sunday, November 20, 2011

Enjoy to the End

We just started an English sunday school class in our ward because there are students here that go to Johns Hopkin University. The teacher made a comment that I really liked and made me want to make it for my motto for a while. Instead of saying that we need to "endure to the end", his wife likes it a lot more to say "enjoy to the end". It seems less heavy.

My husband told me the other day that I need to be more positive about all of our changes that we're going through. I didn't realize that I was coming off so negative. So I've been trying to look inside a little and see why I was told that. I realized I haven't been my happy, positive self lately. So I'm going to try to "enjoy" through the struggles of life.

On a good note, physically feeling a lot better. Within a few hours of Aaron getting sick and vomiting, I started with it too. All better and it was contained to just the two of us. No longer cracked and bleeding. I'm very grateful for that. I've even needed to eat less chocolate this week.

1 comment:

Sabrina Gironda Perkins said...

well it's hard to alwyas be positive, to me you are just being very positive really. With time things will be better