Thursday, September 13, 2007

big boy

I realized how long Aaron is getting. The first picture is Aaron at one week, and his feet arrive at the boppy cushion. The second one is now (3 months) and his knee arrives at the edge of the boppy. By the way that's a 6 month sleeper and it's almost too small.
This is Aaron with his uncle, Daniele.
I like his frog bib.
Aaron can sit up for short periods when propped against something.


saltysista said...

You've got a big boy on your hands!! I love the frog bib pic...such a cute face! Isn't it crazy how fast they grow? All of a sudden they can't fit something and you are like When did that happen?

Scott and Karin said...

That last picture looks almost exactly like a picture we have of Park at the same age! He is starting to look a lot like you in the other pictures.