Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Jordan is now officially crawling. Thank goodness not well yet. It happened Sunday. He was 3 days shy of hitting 7 months. Where does the time go?! I wanted the time to slow down the second time so that I could enjoy it more, and instead he's growing too fast.

Two peas in a pod. Jordan loves it when Aaron jumps on the bed. Jordan really can't wait for the day when he is as mobile as his brother.

"bicotto pichi". One of Aaron's favorite treats are fig newtons (in Italian we call them biscotto di fichi). So he asks a lot for his "bicotto pichi". I love listening to him try to talk.

Jordan still won't take a bottle. He's anxious to eat the food we're eating. Even the rice cereal is making him constipated. It's a battle I can't win. He loves trying to eat his special baby cereal, but he doesn't have good control over gripping yet.

Playing on mom and dad's bed.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Aaron is starting to use his imagination and pretend. It means that he does a lot more fun things, like wanting to be zipped up inside my back pack. He also pretends to eat or put unknown objects in our pockets. I wonder what he pretends to be putting in our pockets. If he's anything like his dad he's probably imagining putting a dirty diaper or something else disgusting in there.
We've just started doing solids on a regular basis with Jordan. Today was the first time he was actually enthusiastic about it. I boiled a sweet potatoe and smashed some of it up and tried to give it to him. The problem with feeding Jordan is that he grabs at everything you have in your hand and he moves around so much that half the time I end up shoving it up his nose instead of into his mouth.

While I was trying to feed Jordan, Aaron kept going into the bathroom and doing things he wasn't supposed to (I'll let you use your imagination because it's probably close to exactly what was happening). So at least 4 or 5 different times I had to put the food down and go grab Aaron. While I was gone, Jordan grabbed the spoon and food and went to town.

Monday, November 16, 2009

trucks and leaves

I was taking pictures of Jordan, and I turned around to find Aaron like this. I was about to yell "pull your pants up mister" and then decided to capture the candid moment. Now that Aaron is better about being potty trained, I leave him in underwear all the time. The only problem is that he sometimes does this to let you know that he needs to go potty.

Playing in the leaves.

I tried to put Jordan in the leaves to get a cute picture, but all he did was cry.

We put the kids in the same bath (on a day that Aaron was less dirty than normal).

I finally have a fairly decent picture of Aaron smiling, even if he does have food in his mouth.

This was a weird looking potatoe that I was about to peel the other day. I decided to take a picture of it. What do think it looks like?

Of course it was Paolol's idea to put Jordan in Aaron's truck.

And he loved it! Especially for the ride his dad gave him afterwards.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Halloween 2009

This is the day that Aaron was on one. This is him when I found him playing in his room. A little later that day he went to "play" in his room, which really means he goes to hide and poop. Unfortunately he does this in his underwear on a regular basis. I didn't catch him in time. When I did find him he was using an empty box of diapers as a slide and had poop smeared up his whole back. I took him to the bathroom and put him in the bath tub to wash him up. While I was rinsing his clothes, he figured out that the brown stuff could be smeared all over the rest of him. What a day!

Jordan is no longer happy just laying around and doing nothing. He's got to be sitting up and looking or doing something, or he lets you know he's not happy. He is just as pleasant, but a little more demanding. I think it will get easier when he's able to sit well on his own for long periods of time. Right now he can last a few minutes if I'm lucky.

This is our first snowfall of the year from about a week and a half ago. I took Aaron outside to play in the snow while Jordan was taking a nap. After Aaron touched the cold snow he started crying. After that he was too cranky to play and we went back inside.

Here's my little pumpkin. In my opinion adorable!

Notice how one is smiley and the other... well... he can give the worlds dirtiest looks, and you have no doubt as to when he's not happy about something. In this case, he hated the pirate. I did my best to get a picture, but that was near impossible. Good thing I got the costume cheap at a garage sale!

Aaron now loves to bang sticks on everything. Boys!

There goes the hat!

Friday, October 23, 2009

5 months

I don't think I've had a real good picture of Aaron for a while. He's a fast moving target, and when he finally does say "cheese" for the picture, he gets this horrible squinting smile.

Jordan is 5 months old today. He is starting to drool and put everything in his mouth. He can sit by himself for very short periods of time. He is all smiles. He is definitely an angel baby. The only exception is when it comes to eating. He's got a stubborn streak. He is still refusing to take a bottle and will go hungry for up to 8 hours, so Paolo has to bring him into work every single time I work (which is 3 times a week).
We were getting ready for a Halloween Party, and Aaron to hug his brother. Aaron loves holding/hugging his little brother. It really just looks like a wrestling match, but Jordan laughs and seems to love it. So we let Aaron "love" his brother under strict supervision.

All smiles this little one!

Friday, September 25, 2009

4 months old

We went to the Utah State Fair the first day it opened. It only costs $2 the first day! Aaron loved all of the animals. He kept trying to feed them the hay that was under them. Not one single animal appreciated Aaron's efforts to share. :)
I chopped my hair off (12 plus inches) because I was sick of it getting yanked on every time I held Jordan. This is the only shot I have of it. Aaron was hugging the goat. I think it was the only one that would get anywhere close to my son. He's over exuberant with his love for animals most of the time.

This is Aaron playing in Jordan's crib. Aaron likes to think that it's a trampoline.

My baby is now 4 months old and it's going WAY too fast. He started rolling from his back to his stomach at 3 months and 5 days. He has not stopped moving and wiggling since then. He is also always smiling and happy except when he has a poopy diaper. He's such a pleasant baby.

Aaron has decided that he absolutely loves his little brother to death. He likes to lay next to him everywhere- under the hanging toys, in the crib, on the floor, wherever Jordan happens to be. Aaron is suprisingly soft for a rambunctious 2 year old and doesn't squish him too bad when he tries to hold Jordan or play with him. It's such a nice change from when we first brought Jordan home from the hospital. I think Aaron was trying to set a record for who could scream the longest and loudest in a day.

I love these boys!

Saturday, September 5, 2009


We went bowling this weekend. It was Aaron's first time. Admittedly he's still way too small, but he had fun anyway. There were a few times that the ball got stuck half way down the lane and someone had to go get it.
This is my happy boy!

Jordan has started rolling over and scooting. He just turned 3 months old! I'm going to have my hands full.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Jordan 3 months old

Aaron's best little friend is Roberto. Roberto's mom is from Italy too. We like hanging out with the kids. They decided that they wanted to play in the water, so we let them go in their underwear. Aaron loves his little buddy.

Jordan is 3 months old now! He is now wearing his 6 months clothes. He is turning into a fun little baby. He just starting laughing, and there's nothing so beautiful as your baby laughing. He's trying to roll over, but fortunately with no success yet.

What's he thinking?

Way to use your muscles bud!