Sunday, May 19, 2013

scraped knees

 Jordan is the king of tripping and falling, and scraping his knees.  He's done this multiple times recently.  He's also the king of drama and falls apart at the seams with crocodile tears to the point of "not being able to walk" while I'm watching him.  When I'm not looking or there's something really fun to play with Aaron he's magically better.  It happened yet again one of these instances just yesterday morning.

He fell just outside our gate and sobbed that he couldn't even get up and walk.  Fortunately I did have our "magic band aids"  on hand, but it wasn't enough.  So I decided to go back for the double stroller (which I haven't used in a long time).  He was instantly able to limp bent over like an old man and hobble into the gate.  When we got where we needed to ...
 he was able to hop out and climb like a champ.  I think that I need to enroll Jordan in drama/theater.

 And yesterday was their little cousin Valentina's birthday party.  Her parents had hired someone to do entertainment for the kids and they got their faces painted.  They had a lot of fun.

1 comment:

Pedersen Posse said...

Jordan sounds a lot like Luke. Maybe it is a combination of the 2nd boy syndrome and age. :) Their face paintings are awesome!