Thursday, September 5, 2013

Ferrara's Busker's Festival 2013

 There's a really cool castle with a moat about an hour from us in a city called Ferrara.  They hold an annual festival where musicians play in the street.  You get all kinds of performers.  It's really a fun festival (when you're not dragging a 2 year-old along).
 We decided to brave it with the kids.  With a new stroller that I can put Isabel in lock down, it went fairly well.  The boys really liked the castle, and they even had a gondola going around the moat as we were taking pictures.  Can't get any cooler than that!

 There was also a little square where the buildings are built in a circle.

 These guys were from Denmark and I'm not sure what the instrument was the guy in the middle was playing.
We also found a place where they were doing tango and there were some really good dancers.  My boys really wanted to dance with mom, but were too shy to go up on the stage.  Just as well because I don't know how to tango dance and would have looked like a bit of an idiot!  I did enjoy my boys dancing with me though.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

take me back to italy! i miss random little festivals (and BEAUTIFUL historic cities) like this so much. sigh...

and tell your kids to stop growing! they're getting so big!